webOS OSE 2.25.0 Release

January 17, 2024

We’re pleased to announce the release of webOS Open Source Edition (OSE) 2.25.0.

The highlights of this release are as follows:

For more details on this release, see the release notes.

Improving Enact Browser UX

The user experience of a web browser is important because it directly affects how users interact with the internet and websites. In this release, we enhanced usability, performance, and efficiency of the browser.

  • Support ‘pinch-to-zoom’ feature in the content area of a webview on touch screen.
  • Add the ‘Reset to Default Settings’ option in the “Settings” page.
  • Support custom user agent per domain to fix loading issue from the web server.

Enhancing Audio Environment

Audio Pre-processing Effect Chain

From this version, webOS OSE supports multiple audio processing simultaneously. Developers can apply multiple audio pre-processing algorithms (such as beamforming, Echo Cancellation Noise Reduction (ECNR)).

Bass Enhancement

Base enhancement algorithms and APIs are supported to provide a better audio experience. See com.webos.service.audio.

Upgrading Qt

Qt has been upgraded from v6.5.2 to v6.6.0 to improve graphics performance and stability. For more details about Qt, see the official blog post.