JS Service Development Workflow

This page outlines the steps to develop JS services for webOS Open Source Edition (OSE).

External JS Services

To develop an external JS service, the Command-Line Interface (CLI) tool is used.

In general, the steps described in CLI Workflow are applied.

For a step-by-step tutorial, see Developing External JS Services.

Built-in JS Services

Developing a built-in JS service requires the following steps:

  1. Implement

    • Writing the JS service code (<JS_service_name>.js)
    • Preparing README.md that describes the project
  2. Configure

    • Configuring the service metadata file (package.json)
    • Preparing the LS2 configuration files, including a Service Configuration file, a Role file, and Permission files
    • Configuring the CMake build script (CMakeLists.txt)
  3. Build

    • Writing a recipe to build the service on the Yocto build environment
    • Configuring the local source directory
    • Building the service
  4. Run and verify

    • Installing and running the service on the target
    • Verifying the service functionality
  5. Deploy

    • Adding the service to the webOS OSE build recipe
    • Building the webOS OSE image
    • Flashing the image to the target

For a step-by-step tutorial with detailed instructions, see Developing Built-in JS Services.
