Applying Localization

When internationalization is done, your apps and services are ready for localization. You can extract localizable text from your code by using a localization tool and send those files to your translation team for translation into multiple languages and locales. By importing the translated files, you’ll get string resources for your apps and services. You can still write out string resources manually, without using the localization tool.

If you create string resources manually, they should follow the formats described in the Resource Formats section. In other words, compose string resource files for multiple languages according to the format for the programming language of your apps and services. Refer to the Resource Formats section for details.

In webOS OSE, you can create string resources with the help of a localization tool, namely, loctool. See Installing the Localization Tool for its installation. The loctool makes use of XLIFF files to generate translation files and convert them to string resource files. See Using the Localization Tool for more information.

Installing the Localization Tool

webOS OSE makes use of loctool in its localization process.

You need to install Node.js before using loctool. Node.js 7.0 or higher is required.

To run the localization tool, you need to check out the localization tool repository and then install the plugins. By checking out the ilib-loctool-webos-dist repository, you can download all related plugins including loctool.

 git clone
 cd ilib-loctool-webos-dist
 npm install
 // or to install it globally: npm install -g

Using the Localization Tool

The localization tool parses source codes along with XLIFF files and generates string resources in formats required by each programming language. Therefore, you must provide translation data in XLIFF format to use the localization tool.

The localization process using the loctool is summarized below:

  1. Configure your project, extract all strings eligible for localization, and export them in a set of XLIFF files with loctool.
  2. Submit the raw XLIFF files to your translator. Get back the translated files and apply them into the project again.
  3. Generate translated string resources by using the loctool.

Detailed explanations of the entire process are given in the loctool guide page.

In addition, the loctool enables you to generate string resource files at build time. See Generate String Resources at Build Time for details.

Working with XLIFF Files

What is XLIFF?

XLIFF (XML Localization Interchange File Format) is an XML format file that contains the actual translation data. An XLIFF file must exist for each locale. Note that webOS OSE uses XLIFF version 2.0.

The following shows an example of XLIFF, which represents the translation data for ‘en-US’ locale of ‘javascript’ application named ‘sample’.

en-US.xliff (web)
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xliff xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:2.0" version="2.0" srcLang="en-KR" trgLang="en-US">
 <file id="sample_f1" original="sample">
  <group id="sample_g1" name="javascript">
   <unit id="sample_1">
     <source>String 1</source>
     <target>Translation 1</target>
   <unit id="sample_2">
     <source>String 2</source>
     <target>Translation 2</target>

The following table describes the key elements and attributes of XLIFF.

<xliff> - srcLangSource language - the code of the language, in which the text to be translated is expressed
<xliff> - trgLangTarget language - the code of the language, in which the translated text is expressed
<group> - nameProgramming language type - “javascript”, “c”, “cpp”, “x-qml” (for Qt/QML)
<source>Source string - the text to be translated
<target>Target string - the translated text
  • The source language is defined as en-KR.
  • basename : The short name for the application. The right-most word of the dot-connected string of the application name becomes the basename.
    • If an application name is, the basename is home.
    • If an application name is sample, the basename is sample.

How to write XLIFF files?

When writing an XLIFF file, the value of original attribute must match the basename. In addition, the value of name attribute in group must match the type of programming language used for developing the apps or services, as follows:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xliff xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:2.0" version="2.0" srcLang="en-KR" trgLang="en-US">
 <file id="sampleJS_f1" original="sampleJS">
  <group id="sampleJS_g1" name="javascript">
en-US.xliff (c)
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xliff xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:2.0" version="2.0" srcLang="en-KR" trgLang="en-US">
 <file id="samplec_f1" original="samplec">
  <group id="samplec_g1" name="c">

For Qt/QML apps, the group name is “x-qml”.

en-US.xliff (qml)
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xliff xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:2.0" version="2.0" srcLang="en-KR" trgLang="en-US">
 <file id="sampleqml_f1" original="sampleqml">
  <group id="sampleqml_g1" name="x-qml">

Where to Put the XLIFF Files?

XLIFF files for each locale must be placed in the directory with the same name as the base name, as shown below:

XLIFF Directory Structure
├── sample
     ├── af-ZA.xliff
     │── ar-SA.xliff
     │── en-GB.xliff
     │── en-US.xliff
     └── zh-Hans-CN.xliff

Preparing a Configuration File

You need to create a project.json configuration file for your project and configure this file as guided in the loctool guide.

For more information about configuring the loctool, please visit the loctool project site.

Here’s an example of a webOS application.

project.json (Web)
    "name": "",
    "id": "sample1",
    "projectType": "webos-web",
    "sourceLocale": "en-KR",
    "pseudoLocale": {
        "zxx-XX" : "debug",
        "zxx-Hebr-XX" : "debug-rtl",   
        "zxx-Cyrl-XX" : "debug-cyrillic",
        "zxx-Hans-XX" : "debug-han-simplified"
    "resourceDirs": {
    "resourceFileTypes": {
    "plugins": [
    "excludes": [
    "settings": {
        "jsonMap": {
            "mappings": {
             "**/appinfo.json": {
                    "template": "[dir]/[resourceDir]/[localeDir]/[filename]"
project.json (QML)
    "name": "",
    "id": "sample2",
    "projectType": "webos-qml",
    "sourceLocale": "en-KR",
    "pseudoLocale": {
        "zxx-XX" : "debug",
        "zxx-Hebr-XX" : "debug-rtl",   
        "zxx-Cyrl-XX" : "debug-cyrillic",
        "zxx-Hans-XX" : "debug-han-simplified"
    "resourceDirs": {
     "resourceFileTypes": {
    "plugins": [
     "excludes": [
     "settings": {
         "jsonMap": {
             "mappings": {
                 "**/appinfo.json": {
                     "template": "[dir]/[resourceDir]/[localeDir]/[filename]"
The value of id property in project.json must be the same as xliff’s directory name.


The loctool provides a good number of plugins for a wide variety of file types and programming languages. The following table summarizes the plugins applicable for webOS development. Plugins are node modules that can be loaded into your project. When loading the plugins to your project, specify the plugin names and the project type in the plugins and projectType properties of the project.json file.

javascriptilib-loctool-webos-javascript, ilib-loctool-webos-json-resourcewebos-web
cilib-loctool-webos-c, ilib-loctool-webos-json-resourcewebos-c
cppilib-loctool-webos-cpp, ilib-loctool-webos-json-resourcewebos-cpp
qmlilib-loctool-webos-qml, ilib-loctool-webos-ts-resourcewebos-qml

Running the Localization Tool

The following commands show how to run the localization tool from the command line (where Node.js is installed).

Running the Loctool
 node <path-to-the-loctool-dir>/loctool.js

 // To see the usage
 node <path-to-the-loctool-dir>/loctool.js -h

 // Example) options on webOS
 node <path-to-the-loctool-dir>/loctool.js -2 -x xliffPath --pseudo --localizeOnly -l localelist

Generating String Resources at Build Time

In order to enable the localization task at build time, recipes need to be updated properly.

To use the localization tool for generating string resources at build time, add the following line to the recipe to inherit the webos_localizable bbclass.
inherit webos_localizable

If you are working on C/C++ or Qt/QML, you need to apply some additional changes to your recipe file. See the following sections for details.


Regarding C/C++ cases, the i18n library (libwebosi18n) needs to be built first. In order to do that, add a dependency for the library to the recipe.
inherit webos_localizable


For Qt/QML apps, the recipe must inherit webos_qt_localization instead of webos_localizable. The webos_qt_localization bbclass includes an additional process to convert a .ts file into a .qml file. for QML
inherit webos_qt_localization

Changing the Location of XLIFF Directory

If necessary, you can change the location of XLIFF directory by redefining the values below:

Example of modified recipe

Resource Formats

This section explains the resource format of each supported programming language.


Web apps require string resources to be written in JSON format. If you are not using the localization tool, create a file named strings.json and write strings for translation in key-value format.

Example of strings.json
  "String 1": "Translation 1",
  "String 2": "Translation 2"

Make sure that you prepare strings.json files for each locale under the resources directory. The directory structure is shown as below:

Locale Resource Structure
├── resources
│   └── <language>
│       ├── <script>
│       │   ├── <region>
│       │   │   └── strings.json
│       │   └── strings.json
│       └── strings.json
├── src

For example, the strings for French-language speakers in France need to be stored in resources/fr/FR/strings.json, while the strings for French-speaking residents of Canada stored in resources/fr/CA/strings.json.


To prepare string resources without using the localization tool and XLIFF, write them in JSON format just like in JavaScript. The format and directory structure are basically the same as what’s described in the JavaScript section.

You can use a custom name for the JSON files, but it is recommended that you use cppstrings.json for C++ and cstrings.json for C.


Basically, follow the localization guidelines of Qt. For details, refer to the Qt documentation.

If you use the localization tool (loctool), .qm files for each locale are generated in the following file name format.

  • Format: sampleqml_[lang]_[script]_[region].qm
  • Examples: sampleqml_en_GB.qm, sampleqml_zh_Hans_CN.qm


Preventing the Use of Duplicate Data

If you consider preventing the use of duplicate data, configure the structure of string resources as follows. Let’s take an example of English where there may be other translation terms by region.

Termen-US (English - USA)en-GB (English - United Kingdom)

To avoid duplicates, configure directories and files as follows:

  • All: If the original term and translated strings are the same, there is no need to write translations in the resource file.
  • Hello: If the strings for en-US and en-GB are the same, write them in en/strings.json.
  • Color, Subway: If the translations for US and UK English are different, write them in en/US/strings.json and en/GB/strings.json respectively.
└── resources
    └── en
        ├── GB
        │   └── strings.json              : Colour, Underground
        ├── US
        │   └── strings.json              : Color, Subway
        └── strings.json                  : Hi
