Native App Development Workflow

This page outlines the steps to develop native apps for webOS Open Source Edition (OSE).

External Native Apps

Developing an external native app requires the following steps:

  1. Implement

    • Writing the native app code
  2. Configure

    • Configuring the app metadata file (appinfo.json)
    • Configuring the CMake build script (CMakeLists.txt)
  3. Build

    • Running the CMake build script and the Makefile
  4. Package

    • Packaging the built binary file using the CLI
  5. Install and launch

    • Installing the app on the target using the CLI
    • Launching the app

For a step-by-step tutorial with detailed instructions, see Developing External Native Apps.

Built-in Native Apps

Developing a built-in native app requires the following steps:

  1. Implement

    • Writing the native app code
    • Preparing that describes the project
  2. Configure

    • Configuring the app metadata file (appinfo.json)
    • Configuring the qmake project file (<native_app_name>.pro)
  3. Build

    • Writing a recipe to build the app on the Yocto build environment
    • Configuring the local source directory
    • Building the app
  4. Run and verify

    • Installing and running the app on the target
    • Verifying the app functionality
  5. Deploy

    • Adding the app to the webOS OSE build recipe
    • Building the webOS OSE image
    • Flashing the image to the target

For a step-by-step tutorial with detailed instructions, see Developing Built-in Native Apps.
