Command-Line Interface API Reference

This API supports Command-Line Interface features in JavaScript.


generate(options, callback)

  • options <object>
    • tmplName <string> Template types
    • out <string> An output directory to generate the template
    • appinfo <object> || svcinfo <object> (Optional)
    • props <string array> (Optional)
    • overwrite <boolean> (Optional) Default: false.
    • svcName <string> (Optional)
  • callback <Function>
    • err <Error>
    • value <object>
      • msg <string>

Generates template codes for apps or services.

The possible values of tmplName are as follows: webapp, webappinfo, qmlapp, qmlappinfo, js_service, jsserviceinfo, icon. (You can also check those values using showTemplates().)

Using appinfo and svcinfo, you can overwrite metadata (appinfo.json and services.json) of template codes:

  • Use appinfo: webapp, webappinfo, qmlapp, qmlappinfo
  • Use svcinfo: js_service, jsserviceinfo
  • Not use: icon

If neither appinfo nor svcinfo is specified, each template uses the default metadata.

Using props, you can replace appinfo and svcinfo. See the examples below.

If the directory specified in out already exists, the callback gets error messages. You can overwrite the directory using overwrite.

The callback gets two arguments (err, value) where value.msg contains the status, type, and directory of the generated template.


const ares = require('ares-cli'),
  Generator = ares.Generator;

const options = {
  tmplName: "webapp",
  appinfo: {id:"", title:"web app sample", version:"1.0.0"},
  out: "webAppDir"

// Generating webapp in {$cwd}/webAppDir
// Success
Generator.generate(options, function(err, value) {
  if(err) throw err;
const ares = require('ares-cli'),
  Generator = ares.Generator;

const options = {
  tmplName: "qmlapp",
  out: "qmlAppDir"

// Generating qmlapp in ${CURRENT_DIR}/qmlAppDir
// Success
Generator.generate(options, function(err, value) {
  if(err) throw err;

showTemplates(listType, callback)

  • listType <boolean> || <string>
  • callback <Function>
    • err <Error>
    • value <object>
      • msg <string>

Shows a list of template codes.

If listType is set to false, the result shows an entire list of supported templates. If a specific template type is set, the result only shows a sub-list of that type. Possible values are as follows: webapp, weabppinfo, jsservice, jsserviceinfo, icon, qmlapp, qmlappinfo.

The callback gets two arguments (err, value) where value.msg contains the list of templates.


const ares = require('ares-cli'),
  Generator = ares.Generator;

// ID             Project Type     Description
// -------------  ---------------  ------------------------------------------
// webapp         Web App          (default) web app for webOS
// hosted_webapp  Web App          hosted web app for webOS
// webappinfo     Web App Info     appinfo.json for web app
// js_service     JS Service       js service for webOS
// jsserviceinfo  JS Service Info  services.json, package.json for JS service
// icon           Icon             app icon files [80x80]
// qmlapp         QML App          QML app for webOS
// qmlappinfo     QML App Info     appinfo.json for QML app
Generator.showTemplates(false, function(err, value) {
  if(err) throw err;
const ares = require('ares-cli'),
  Generator = ares.Generator;

// ID             Project Type     Description
// -------------  ---------------  ------------------------------------------
// webapp         Web App          (default) web app for webOS
// hosted_webapp  Web App          hosted web app for webOS
Generator.showTemplates("webapp", function(err, value) {
  if(err) throw err;


inspect(options, callback)

  • options <object>
    • device <string> A target device which contains the inspecting target
    • appId <string> || serviceId <string>
    • hostPort <number> (Optional) A port number of the inspecting window (localhost)
    • open <boolean> (Optional) Default: false
    • display <number> (Optional) Default: 0
  • callback <Function>
    • err <Error>
    • value <object>
      • session <object>
      • msg <string>

Inspects an app or service. (Those are called inspecting targets.) Use either appId or serviceId to specify the inspecting target.

If open is set to true, it automatically opens the inspecting window on your default browser.

display specifies the display of the target device to run the inspecting target.

If inspect() succeeds, an inspecting URL is returned to value.msg. If it fails, debugging messages are returned to err. See the examples below.

session contains the information of the current inspecting target. See stop().


const ares = require('ares-cli'),
  inspector = ares.Inspector;

const options = {
  device: "rpi",
  appId: "",
  hostPort: 1234,
  open: true

// Application Debugging - http://localhost:1234/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:1111/devtools/page/....
inspector.inspect(options, function(err, value) {
  if(err) throw err;
const ares = require('ares-cli'),
  inspector = ares.Inspector;

const options = {
  device: "rpi",
  serviceId: "",
  hostPort: 1234,
  open: true

// Cannot support "--open option" on platform node version 8 and later
// To debug your service, set "" on Node's Inspector Client(Chrome DevTools, Visual Studio Code, etc.).
inspector.inspect(options, function(err, value) {
  if(err) throw err;

stop(session, callback)

  • session <object>
  • callback <Function>
    • err <Error>
    • value <object>
      • msg <string>
Before executing stop(), you must execute inspect() first.

Stops a running inspecting target.

session is the value.session from inspect().

The callback gets two arguments (err, value) where value.msg contains status of the inspecting target.


const ares = require('ares-cli'),
  inspector = ares.Inspector;

const options = {
  device: "rpi",
  appId: "",
  hostPort: 1234,
  open: true

// Application Debugging - http://localhost:1234/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:1111/devtools/page/....
// (After 5 sec)
// This inspection has stopped
  inspector.inspect.bind(inspector, options),
  function(inspectInfo, next) {
    setTimeout(() => {
      ares.Inspector.stop(inspectInfo.session, next);
    }, 5000);
], function(err, results) {


install(options, pkgPath, callback, middleCb)

  • options <object>
    • device <string> A name of the target device to install the webOS package
  • pkgPath <object> A path of the webOS package
  • callback <Function>
    • err <Error>
    • value <object>
      • msg <string>
  • middleCb <Function>
    • data <string>

Installs a webOS package to a tartget device.

The callback gets two arguments (err, value) where value.msg contains the result of the installation process. contains the status of the installation process.


const ares = require('ares-cli'),
    installer = ares.Installer;

const options = {
    device: "rpi",

// Installing package com.domain.app_1.0.0_all.ipk
// Success
installer.install(options, "", function(err, value) {
    if(err) throw err;
}, functions(data){

list(options, callback)

  • options <object>
    • device <string> A name of the target device to get a list
  • callback <Function>
    • err <Error>
    • value <object array>

Gets a list of installed apps.

The callback gets two arguments (err, value) where value.msg contains app information.


const ares = require('ares-cli'),
  installer = ares.Installer;

const options = {
  device: "rpi",

// [{
//   ...
//   id: '',
//   version: '1.0.0',
//   title: 'new app',
//   folderPath: '/media/developer/apps/usr/palm/applications/',
//   ...
// }]
installer.list(options, function(err, value) {
  if(err) throw err;

remove(options, appId, callback)

  • options <object>
    • device <string> A name of the target device
  • appId <string> An app ID to remove
  • callback <Function>
    • err <Error>
    • value <object>
      • msg <string>
      • status <string>

Removes an app.

The callback gets two arguments (err, value) where error or value.msg contains the result of remove().

If remove() succeeds, a string (removed) is return in value.status.


const ares = require('ares-cli'),
  installer = ares.Installer;

const options = {
  device: "rpi",

// Removed package
installer.remove(options, "", function(err, value) {
  if(err) throw err;


close(options, appId, params, callback)

  • options <object>
    • device <string>
    • display <number> (Optional) Default: 0
  • appId <string> An app ID to close
  • params <object>
  • callback <Function>
    • err <Error>
    • value <object>
      • msg <string>

Closes an app. If display is specified, close() closes an app running on that display.

To use params, the app developer should define the parameters for the app. If params is specified, close() closes an app with those parameters. If your app doesn’t support parameters, use an empty object ({}).

The callback gets two arguments (err, value) where value.msg contains the success message for close().


const ares = require('ares-cli'),
  launcher = ares.Launcher;

const options = {
  device: "rpi"

// Closed application on display 0
launcher.close(options, "", {}, function(err, value) {
  if(err) throw err;

launch(options, appId, params, callback[, middleCb])

  • options <object>
    • device <string>
    • display <number> (Optional) Default: 0
    • installMode <string> (Optional) Use Hosted to launch hosted apps
    • hostedurl <string> (Optional) A path of the hosted app
  • appId <string> An app ID to launch
  • params <object>
  • callback <Function>
    • err <Error>
    • value <object>
      • msg <string>
  • middleCb <Function> (Optional)
    • data <string>

Launches an app. If display is specified, an app will be launched on that display.

To use params, the app developer should define the parameters for the app. If params is specified, close() closes an app with those parameters. If your app doesn’t support parameters, use an empty object ({}).

To launch a hosted app, use options.installMode and options.hostedurl. contains the status of the launching process (only for hosted apps).

The callback gets two arguments (err, value) where value.msg contains the success message for launch().


const ares = require('ares-cli'),
  launcher = ares.Launcher;

const options = {
  device: "rpi"

// Launched application on display 0
launcher.launch(options, "", {url:''}, function(err, value) {
  if(err) throw err;
const ares = require('ares-cli'),
  launcher = ares.Launcher;

const options = {
  device: "rpi",
  installMode: "Hosted",
  hostedurl: "/home/test/webapp"

// Ares Hosted App is now running...
launcher.launch(options, "com.sdk.ares.hostedapp", {}, function(err, value) {
  if(err) throw err;
}, functions(data){

listRunningApp(options, callback)

  • options <object>
    • device <string>
  • callback <Function>
    • err <Error>
    • value <object array>

Gets information about running apps.

The callback gets two arguments (err, value) where value.msg contains information about running apps.


const ares = require('ares-cli'),
  launcher = ares.Launcher;

const options = {
  device: "rpi"

// [
//   {
//     appType: 'web',
//     displayId: 1,
//     instanceId: '8402d31b-8d6c-458a-b35a-a24349d55b651',
//     launchPointId: 'com.domain.app_default',
//     webprocessid: '2395',
//     id: '',
//     processid: '-1',
//     defaultWindowType: 'card'
//   }
// ]
launcher.listRunningApp(options, function(err, value) {
    if(err) throw err;


analyzeIPK(options, callback)

  • options <object>
    • device <string>
    • info <string> || infodetail <string>
  • callback <Function>
    • err <Error>
    • value <object>
      • msg <string>

Analyzes a webOS package file (.ipk).

info or infodetail is a package file to analyze. infodetail gets more details about the file.

The callback gets two arguments (err, value) where value.msg contains information about the package file.


const ares = require('ares-cli'),
  packager = ares.Packager;

const options = {
  device: "rpi",
  info: "com.domain.app_1.0.0_all.ipk"

// < Package Information >
// Package:
// Version: 1.0.0
// Architecture: all
// Installed-Size: 52990
// app:
// services: [""]

// < Application Information >
// id:
// version: 1.0.0
// type: web
// main: index.html

// < Service Information >
// id:
// services: [""]
// version: 1.0.0
// main: helloworld_webos_service.js
packager.analyzeIPK(options, function(err, value) {
  if(err) throw err;

generatePackage(srcPaths, dstPath, options, middleCb, callback)

  • srcPaths <string array>
  • dstPath <string> A path to generate the package file
  • options <string>
    • rom <boolean> (Optional)
    • excludefiles <string array> (Optional)
  • middleCb <Function>
    • data <string>
  • callback <Function>
    • err <Error>
    • value <object>
      • msg <string>

Packages an app and service into a webOS package file (.ipk).

The first element of srcPaths is a path to an app, and it is required. Starting from the second element, the rest are paths to services, and those are optional. You can generate a package without a service.

If rom is set to true, generatePackage() doesn’t generate a package file. Instead, it creates the same directory hierarchy that the package file would have if the package file were installed on the target device.

excludefiles contains files that are not packaged with. contains the status of the packaging process.

The callback gets two arguments (err, value) where value.msg contains the result of the packaging process.


const ares = require('ares-cli'),
  packager = ares.Packager;  
const destination= process.cwd(),
  source = [ 'webapp', 'svc' ];
// Create com.domain.app_1.0.0_all.ipk to ${CURRENT_DIR}
// Success
packager.generatePackage(source, destination, {}, functions(data){
} function(err, value) {
  if(err) throw err;
const ares = require('ares-cli'),
  packager = ares.Packager;  
const destination= process.cwd(),
  source = [ 'webapp', 'svc' ],
  options = {
    rom: true,
    excludefiles: ["*.txt", "aaa"]
// Create output directory to ${CURRENT_DIR}
// Success
packager.generatePackage(source, destination, options, functions(data){
} function(err, value) {
  if(err) throw err;


pull(srcPath, dstPath, options, callback, middleCb)

  • srcPaths <string array>
  • dstPath <string>
  • options <object>
    • device <string> A name of the target device
    • ignore <boolean> (Optional) Default: false
  • callback <Function>
    • err <Error>
    • value <object>
      • msg <string>
  • middleCb <Function>
    • data <string>

Pulles (downloads) files or directories from a target device.

srcPaths contains files or directories to download (from the target device), and dstPath is a destination path to store downloaded files or directories.

If ignore is set to true, the result doesn’t show a list of pushed files/directories.

The callback gets two arguments (err, value). err or value contains the result of pull(), while contains information about the file transmission.


const ares = require('ares-cli'),
    puller = ares.Puller;

const options = {
    device: "rpi",

// Pull: /tmp/aaa -> ${CURRENT_DIR}/aaa
// 1 file(s) pulled
// 28 KB/s (4096 bytes in 0.144s)
// Success
puller.pull("/tmp/aaa", ".", options, function(err, value) {
  if(err) throw err;
}, functions(data){


push(srcPaths, dstPath, options, callback, middleCb)

  • srcPaths <string array>
  • dstPath <string>
  • options <object>
    • device <string> A name of the target device
    • ignore <boolean> (Optional) Default: false
  • callback <Function>
    • err <Error>
    • value <object>
      • msg <string>
  • middleCb <Function>
    • data <string>

Pushes (sends) files or directories to a target device.

srcPaths is files or directories to send, and dstPath is a destination path of the target device.

If ignore is set to true, the result doesn’t show a list of pushed files/directories.

The callback gets two arguments (err, value). err or value contains the result of push(), while contains information about the file transmission.


const ares = require('ares-cli'),
    pusher = ares.Pusher;

const options = {
    device: "rpi",

// Push:aaa -> /tmp/aaa
// Push:bbb -> /tmp/bbb
// 2 file(s) pushed
// 134 KB/s (60844 bytes in 0.444s)
// Success
pusher.push(["aaa", "bbb"], "/tmp", options, function(err, value) {
  if(err) throw err;
}, functions(data) {
const ares = require('ares-cli'),
  pusher = ares.Pusher;

const options = {
  device: "rpi",

// Push:copyFiles/helloFile -> /tmp/copyFiles/helloFile
// Push:copyFiles/testFile -> /tmp/copyFiles/testFile
// 2 file(s) pushed
// 134 KB/s (60844 bytes in 0.444s)
// Success
pusher.push(["copyFiles"], "/tmp", options, function(err, value) {
  if(err) throw err;
}, functions(data){


openBrowser(url, reqHandler, callback)

  • url <string>
  • callback <Function>
    • err <Error>
    • value <object>
      • msg <string>
Before executing openBrowser(), you must execute runServer() first.

Opens a local server (url) on your browser. This local server was created by runServer(). url is the value.openBrowserUrl of runServer().

The callback gets two arguments (err, value) where value.msg contains the status of the local server.


const ares = require('ares-cli'),
  server = ares.Server;

// Browser opened
server.openBrowser('http://localhost:1111/ares_cli/ares.html', function(err, value) {
  if(err) throw err;

runServer(appPath, port, reqHandler, callback)

  • appPath <string> A path to a web app
  • port <number>
  • reqHandler <Function>
  • callback <Function>
    • err <Error>
    • value <object>
      • url <string> A URL of running local server
      • port <number> A port number of the local server
      • openBrowserUrl <string>
      • msg <string> The status of the local server

Runs a web app (in appPath) on a local HTTP server.

port is the port number of the local server. If you want the port to be assigned automatically, set port to 0.

reqHandler contains event actions to be registered when the server is created. See the examples below.

The callback gets two arguments (err, value) where value.openBrowserUrl contains the URL for openBrowser().


const ares = require('ares-cli'),
  server = ares.Server;

let killTimer, serverUrl;
function _reqHandler(code, res) {
  if (code === "@@ARES_CLOSE@@") {
    killTimer = setTimeout(function() {
    }, 2 * 1000);
  } else if (code === "@@GET_URL@@") {

// Local server running on http://localhost:${PORT}
server.runServer("./webapp", 0, _reqHandler, function(err, value) {
  if(err) throw err;


  • callback <Function>
    • err <Error>
    • value <object>
      • msg <string>
Before executing stop(), you must execute runServer() first.

Stops all running local servers.

The callback gets two arguments (err, value) where value.msg contains the result of stop().


const ares = require('ares-cli'),
  server = ares.Server;

server.runServer("./webapp", 0, _reqHandler, function(err, value) {
  if(err) throw err;

// Local server is stopped
server.stop(function(err, value) {
  if(err) throw err;


modifyDevice(options, callback)

  • options <object>
    • add <string> || modify <string>
    • info <string array> Default: root@
  • callback <Function>
    • err <Error>
    • value <object>
      • msg <string>

Adds or modifies information of registered devices.

add or modify is the name of the target device to take action. Use one of those keys.

info can include IP address, port, and user name.

The callback gets two arguments (err, value) where value.msg contains the device list after modifyDevice() is complete.


const ares = require('ares-cli'),
  setupDevice = ares.SetupDevice;

const options = {
  add: "rpi",
  info: [ 'username=root', 'host=', 'port=6622' ]

//name                deviceinfo                connection  profile
//------------------  ------------------------  ----------  -------
//rpi                 root@       ssh         ose
//emulator (default)  developer@  ssh         ose
setupDevice.modifyDevice(options, function(err, value) {
  if(err) throw err;
const ares = require('ares-cli'),
  setupDevice = ares.SetupDevice;

const options = {
  modify: "rpi",
  info: [ "{'host':'','port':'22'}" ]

//name                deviceinfo                connection  profile
//------------------  ------------------------  ----------  -------
//rpi                 root@    ssh         ose
//emulator (default)  developer@  ssh         ose
setupDevice.modifyDevice(options, function(err, value) {
  if(err) throw err;

removeDevice(options, callback)

  • options <object>
    • remove <string> A device name to remove
  • callback <Function>
    • err <Error>
    • value <object>
      • msg <string>

Removes a registered device.

The callback gets two arguments (err, value) where value.msg contains the device list after removeDevice() is complete.


const ares = require('ares-cli'),
  setupDevice = ares.SetupDevice;

const options = {
  remove: "rpi"

// name               deviceinfo                connection  profile
//------------------  ------------------------  ----------  -------
//emulator (default)  developer@  ssh         ose
setupDevice.removeDevice(options, function(err, value) {
  if(err) throw err;


  • callback <Function>
    • err <Error>
    • value <object>
      • msg <string>

Resets information about registered devices (except the default emulator).

The callback gets two arguments (err, value) where value.msg contains the list of registered devices after resetDeviceList() is complete.


const ares = require('ares-cli'),
  setupDevice = ares.SetupDevice;

//name                deviceinfo                connection  profile
//------------------  ------------------------  ----------  -------
//emulator (default)  developer@  ssh         ose
setupDevice.resetDeviceList(function(err, value) {
  if(err) throw err;

setDefaultDevice(name, callback)

  • name <string> A name of the device you want to set as the default device
  • callback <Function>
    • err <Error>
    • value <object>
      • msg <string>

Sets the given device (name) as the default device.

The callback gets two arguments (err, value) where value.msg contains the list of registered devices after setDefaultDevice() is complete.


const ares = require('ares-cli'),
    setupDevice = ares.SetupDevice;

// name             deviceinfo               connection profile
// ---------------- ------------------------ ---------- -------
// target (default) root@        ssh        ose
// emulator         developer@ ssh        ose
setupDevice.setDefaultDevice("target", function(err, value) {
  if(err) throw err;


  • callback <Function>
    • err <Error>
    • value <object>
      • msg <string>

Shows a list of registered devices.

The callback gets two arguments (err, value) where value.msg contains the device list.


const ares = require('ares-cli'),
    setupDevice = ares.SetupDevice;

// name                deviceinfo               connection  profile
// ------------------ ------------------------- ----------- -------
// rpi                 root@        ssh         ose
// emulator (default)  developer@ ssh         ose
setupDevice.showDeviceList(function(err, value) {
    if(err) throw err;


  • callback <Function>
    • err <Error>
    • value <object>
      • msg <string>

Shows a list of registered devices in detail.

The callback gets two arguments (err, value) where value.msg contains the device list.


const ares = require('ares-cli'),
    setupDevice = ares.SetupDevice;

    "profile": "ose",
    "name": "rpi",
    "default": false,
    "deviceinfo": {
      "ip": "",
      "port": "22",
      "user": "root"
    "connection": [
    "details": {
      "password": "",
      "description": "new device description"
    "profile": "ose",
    "name": "emulator",
    "default": true,
    "deviceinfo": {
      "ip": "",
      "port": "6622",
      "user": "developer"
    "connection": [
    "details": {
      "privatekey": "webos_emul",
      "description": "LG webOS Emulator"
setupDevice.showDeviceListFull(function(err, value) {
    if(err) throw err;


remoteRun(options, cmd, callback)

  • options <object>
    • device <string> A name of the target device to run commands
  • cmd <string> Commands to run
  • callback <Function>
    • err <Error>
    • value <object>
      • msg <string>

Runs shell commands on a target device.

The callback gets two arguments (err, value) where value.msg contains the result of cmd.


const ares = require('ares-cli'),
  shell = ares.Shell;

const options = {
  device: "rpi"

// /var/rootdirs/home/root
shell.remoteRun(options, "pwd", function(err, value) {
  if(err) throw err;

shell(options, callback)

  • options <object>
    • device <string> A name of the target device to connect
  • callback <Function>
    • err <Error>
    • value <object>
      • msg <string>

Connects to a target device.

The callback gets two arguments (err, value). When the connection is closed, value.msg contains the status of the connection. See the examples below.


const ares = require('ares-cli'),
  shell = ares.Shell;

const options = {
  device: "rpi"

// Connection to ${IP} closed., function(err, value) {
  if(err) throw err;
