Command-Line Interface Release Notes

This page provides the summary of each Command-Line Interface (CLI) release for webOS Open Source Edition (OSE).


The following table shows the compatibility between webOS OSE and CLI.

CLI Version

webOS OSE Version





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v3.0.2 (March 2024)

This version is compatible with webOS OSE 2.25.0 ~ webOS OSE 2.26.0. See below for the new and changed features in this release.

  • Moved repository from @webosose/ares-cli to @webos-tools/cli.
  • Integrated with the webOS TV CLI. In the future, we plan to support multiple webOS platforms with a single CLI.
  • Added profiles for changing support platforms, default profile is tv. Each profile has different supported commands, options, help, and templates.

New features

  • Supports Node.js v16.20.2.
  • Added a new command, ares-config. For more details, see CLI User Guide.
  • Supports to live reloading using ares-launch --hosted option.

Fixed issues

  • Fixed to minify by default for JavaScript files in service directory when using ares-package.

v2.4.0 (February 2023)

This version is compatible with webOS OSE 2.19.1 ~ webOS OSE 2.25.0. See below for the new and changed features in this release.

New features

  • We have released a new JavaScript API, see CLI API Reference. You can use features of existing CLI commands through this API. Supported commands are as follows:

    ares-generate, ares-inspect, ares-install, ares-launch, ares-package, ares-pull, ares-push, ares-server, ares-setup-device, ares-shell

  • Now ares-device --system-info shows the Node.js version of the target device.

Changed features

  • Guide messages for ares-inspect --service are updated.

Fixed issues

  • Now ares-device --resource-monitor --list shows the list of JS services properly.

v2.3.1 (February 2022)

This version is compatible with webOS OSE 2.15.0 ~ webOS OSE 2.19.1. See below for the new and changed features in this release.

New features

  • Supports to look up pmlog messages of the target device in ares-log.
  • Supports to monitor resource usage of the target device in ares-device.
  • Supports to analyze the package file (.ipk) in ares-package.
  • Added a feature to print the progress when the command takes a long time to execute.
  • Added a feature to print information of the connected target device.
  • Supports to show level-applied logs using the --level option of each command.

Changed features

  • Updated the minimum supported Node.js version from v8.12.0 to v10.24.1.

Fixed issues

  • Fixed a bug that prevented opening the browser specified in the environment variables when using ares-inspect --open.
  • Fixed a bug related to the callback function error when using ares-package.
  • Fixed a bug related to the directory permission when using ares-device --capture-screen.

v2.2.0 (June 2021)

This version is compatible with webOS OSE 2.11.0 ~ webOS OSE 2.14.1. See below for the new and changed features in this release.

New features

Changed features

  • Categorized error messages and added user tips for each error message.
  • Updated the naming rule for the DEVICE_NAME parameter in the ares-setup-device command.
  • Enhanced the readability of the -–listfull option in the ares-install command.
  • Enhanced the consistency for the -v option of all ares commands.

v2.1.0 (April 2021)

This version is compatible with webOS OSE 2.10.0. See below for the new and changed features in this release.

New features

  • Supports screen capture in the ares-device command. (--capture-screen option)

Changed features

  • Updated the template of appinfo.json to apply new ACG groups.

    Template files generated by CLI v2.0.3 or older are not compatible with webOS OSE 2.10.0 or higher.

Fixed issues

  • Fixed an issue that environment variables using the ares-shell -r command were different from environment variables of the target device.

v2.0.3 (January 2021)

This version is compatible with webOS OSE 2.9.0. See below for the new and changed features in this release.

Changed features

  • Updated help message of the ares command.
  • Updated the README file.

v2.0.2 (December 2020)

This version is compatible with webOS OSE 2.8.0. See below for the new and changed features in this release.

New features

  • Released the source code to GitHub.
  • Published the CLI package to npm.
  • Added ares-device command. This command replaces ares-device-info.

Changed features

  • Supports Node.js v14.15.1.
  • Updated the README file.

Fixed issues

  • Added a logic for checking ares-setup-device’s parameter and fixed typos.

v1.13.1 (November 2020)

This version is compatible with webOS OSE 2.8.0. See below for the new and changed features in this release.

Changed features

  • Updated the source code through static analysis (ESLint and JSHint).
  • Updated JS service template.

v1.13.0 (October 2020)

This version is compatible with webOS OSE 2.7.0. See below for the new and changed features in this release.

New features

  • Added a new command, ares-device-info. For more details, see CLI User Guide.

Changed features

  • Organized and unified error messages.
  • Updated the README file.

Removed features

  • Removed pmloglib.Context in the JS service template.

v1.12.0 (July 2020)

This version is compatible with webOS OSE 2.6.0. See below for the new and changed features in this release.

New features

  • Supports to launch Web Inspector on dual display (–-display option) in ares-inspect.
  • Supports to set a default device (-–default option) in ares-setup-device.
  • Supports to run a web app without installation ( --hosted option) in ares-launch.

Changed features

  • Updated Node.js version to v8.12.0.
  • Updated descriptions in --help option.

Removed features

  • Removed a Git dependency in ares-generate.
  • Removed Enyo features in ares-package and ares-generate.

Fixed issues

  • Fixed typos.

Known issues

  • Screencast feature of Web Inspector is not working on OSE emulator.

v1.11.1 (May 2020)

This version is compatible with webOS OSE 2.5.0. See below for the new and changed features in this release.

Changed features

  • Updated QML template
    • Added applications group to the permission of QML app.
    • Set displayAffinity in QML template.

Fixed issues

  • Corrected typos in QML template.

v1.11.0 (March 2020)

This version is compatible with webOS OSE 2.4.0. See below for the new and changed features in this release.

New features

  • Supports web app launch on dual displays.

Changed features

  • Changed web app and JS service templates.
  • Changed version property in appinfo.json to optional.
  • Changed a default value of title property to new app in appinfo.json template.
  • Updated dependent npm.

Removed features

  • Deleted a file and properties related to largeIcon in the template.

Fixed issues

  • Fixed a bug related to -v option.
  • Fixed correct machine architecture in packaging file.

Known issues

  • webOS OSE cannot launch the same web app on different displays at the same time.
    • For example, if you launch a web app on display 0 and then launch the same app on display 1, it just re-launch the app on display 0. (Nothing happened on display 1.)

      In this example, the message (’Launched application on display 1’) might be returned on terminal, but this message can be ignored.

v1.10.2 (November 2019)

This version is compatible with webOS OSE 2.1.0. See below for the new and changed features in this release.

New features

  • Added a QML app template.

Changed features

  • Changed template names, basic and webappicon to webapp and icon.

Known issues

  • When you install an app using ares-install, the icon of the app is not displayed on Home Launcher.

v1.10.1 (October 2019)

This version is compatible with webOS OSE 2.0.0. See below for the new, changed, and removed features along with fixed issues and known issues in this release.

New features

  • Added a web app template that uses the WebOSSerivceBridge API.
  • Added a feature to check the validity of version in appinfo.json when packaging an app, which checks whether each version number is 9 digits or less.
  • Added a guide text regarding the default target device to the CLI help.

Changed features

  • Changed to show appInstallService’s error text when app installation fails.
  • Changed the icon images generated by executing ares-generate --template to new images.

Removed features

  • Removed the webOS.js library.
  • ares-inspect --service option cannot be used with the --open option.
  • Removed EULA that appeared on CLI when executing a command for the first time, which was replaced by EULA that appears on the developer site when downloading the CLI package.

Fixed issues

  • Enabled the ares-inspect --service option.
  • Fixed an issue where ares-inspect --open option cannot open a browser on Windows.
  • Fixed to create a .ssh directory after executing ares-setup-device.

Known issues

  • When you install or uninstall an app using ares-install, a running Home Launcher disappears from the screen. To make the app listed on Home Launcher, you must reboot the target device.
    • After rebooting the target device, the external app is listed on Home Launcher, but the icon of the app is not displayed.

v1.9.4 (June 2019)

See below for the new and changed features, bug fixes, and known issues in this release.

New features

  • Added a feature to check the version rule of your app when you package your app.
  • Added a feature to check if id and version exist in the appinfo.json file of your app when you package your app.
  • Added a feature to add read permission to all files of your app when you package your app.

Changed features

  • Updated templates (changed usable webOS APIs and how to use PmLog, appinfo.json).
  • Changed the scenario to prompt you whether to overwrite an existing folder when creating a project. Now, CLI prompts you whether to overwrite the folder as soon as you executes the ares-generate command with the existing folder name. In older versions, CLI prompts you when you enter your app information.
  • Changed the CLI folder structure due to code refactoring.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where ares-setup-device --reset does not print the reset device list.

Known Issues

  • This version of CLI does not support ares-inspect --service temporarily.

v1.8.1 (July 2018)

New and changed features

  • Changed the package filenames (from webos-ose-cli-rpi_sdk-*.* to ares-webos-cli-ose_sdk-*.*).

  • Added the end-user license agreement (EULA).

  • Added a template for hosted web apps.

v1.6.4 (March 2018)

This is the first official release of CLI for webOS OSE. For a detailed list of key features, see key features.

Known issues

  • Web Inspector and Node Inspector work on Blink-based browsers (Chrome and Opera) but not on non-Blink browsers (Internet Explorer, FireFox, and Safari).

  • The emulator should be running prior to using ares-install or ares-launch commands. CLI does not run the emulator automatically.

  • ares-server and ares-inspect commands are not terminated on their own, and can only be terminated manually by pressing Control+C.

  • ares-package shows an error message if an app filename contains non-ASCII characters. (App filenames should contain Latin letters ONLY.)

  • ares-setup-device --search|-s (Search webOS Devices) is not working, because webOS OSE does not contain upnpd.
