Emulator Launcher

Emulator Launcher is a command-line based tool which helps users set up the webOS Open Source Edition (OSE) emulator more easier.

Key Features

  • Creating and deleting emulator images
  • Configuring emulator settings
  • Launching and closing emulator

System Requirements

Currently, Emulator Launcher does not support macOS.

If you use Windows or Ubuntu, see Emulator System Requirements.


$ python3 -m pip install --upgrade webos-emulator --force-reinstall
Use python on Windows.

After installing Emulator Launcher, check the version of it.

$ webos-emulator --version
webos-emulator 0.8.3

How to Use

Emulator Launcher is a command-line based tool. Open the terminal and enter webos-emulator with options or commands.

$ webose-emulator [options] [commands]


-h, --helpShows help messages.
-vd <name>

Specifies an emulator image to use.

<name> is an image name you want.

--versionShows the version of Emulator Launcher
-i <file>, --image <file>Specifies a Virtual Machine Disk file (.vmdk) to use. For how to make the .vmdk file, refer to Preparing a webOS OSE Emulator Virtual Machine Image.
--debugShows debugging information.


-l, --listShows the list of installed emulator images.
-m, --modifyModifies system settings of an emulator image.
-c, --createCreates a new emulator image
-s, --startStarts an emulator image
-k, --killKills a currently running emulator image.
-d, --deleteDeletes an emulator image.
-ds, --default-settingsRestores to the default setup.
-cc <.ova>, --create-with-custom <.ova>

Creates a new emulator image with custom settings.

<.ova> is a OVF 1.0 file which stores the custom settings.


  • Creates an emulator image

    $ webos-emulator -vd ose-527 -c -i <.vmdk file>
  • Starts the emulator image

    $ webos-emulator -vd ose-527 -s
  • Checks available system parameters of an image and modify it

    # Step 01. Check available system parameters
    $ webos-emulator -vd ose-527 -m
    -m options:
      --memory <memory size in MB>
      --vram <video memory size in MB>
      --cpus <number>
      --monitorcount <number>
      --name <name>
      --ostype <Linux or Linux_64>
      --vmdk <vmdk file>
    following is the current settings of vd
    Name:                        ose-527
    Guest OS:                    Other Linux (64-bit)
    Memory size:                 4096MB
    VRAM size:                   128MB
    Number of CPUs:              2
    Monitor count:               2
    # Step 02. Modify the parameters
    $ webos-emulator -vd ose-527 -m --memory 2048 --cpus 2
    following is the current settings of vd
    Name:                        ose-527
    Guest OS:                    Other Linux (64-bit)
    Memory size:                 2048MB
    VRAM size:                   128MB
    Number of CPUs:              2
    Monitor count:               2

Trouble Shooting

Emulator won't start with the 'webos-emulator : start error' message

Check the Virtualization Technology is enabled in your host PC.

VirtualBox requires IntelĀ® Virtualization Technology (IntelĀ® VT). Go to the BIOS setup and enable the VT. You can also check the error messages from the VirtualBox emulator's pop-up.

Error messages from VirtualBox
