Adding Artificial Intelligence (AI) to the Tic-Tac-Toe App

February 18, 2022

This project demonstrates the use of the Workflow Designer Toolkit to customize an app to make it context-aware.

  • In this projcet, we make only minor changes to the app source code.
  • The major part of embedding artificial intelligence (AI) embedded is handled by the Workflow Designer Toolkit.


The Context Intent Manager (CIM) service interacts with the AI engine and the workflow to provide the required functionality.

We use a Tic-Tac-Toe game to demonstrate this functionality.

  • Tic-Tac-Toe is a two-player game, where one player marks an “X” and the other player marks an “O” in turn. The winner is the player who gets 3 entries in one line (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal).
  • In this sample project:
    • We start with a Tic-Tac-Toe game app, which is a manual two-player app.
    • Through Workflow Designer we add a 3rd party custom node to this app. This makes player2 an AI Bot (player1 is a manual user).
    • The AI bot reads the state of the game and accordingly makes a move.
This sample app is useful to understand the scenario when you have a 3rd party custom node that provides the required AI functionality. If you want to create your own custom node, refer to Appendix B in the help embedded in the Workflow Designer Toolkit.


  • webOS OSE target device (Raspberry Pi 4)

    If you do not have this device, then set it up by following the instructions mentioned at Building webOS OSE.

  • Workflow Designer Toolkit (on the local system)

    1. Download from SDK Download.
    2. Extract the archived package. The extracted location now becomes the <WorkflowDesignerRootFolder>.
  • Tic-Tac-Toe AI custom node

    This node provides the logic to make player 2 an AI Bot.

    1. The source code is available at the samples repository. Clone this repository to download the source code on your local development system, and find the custom_nodes/node-red-contrib-tictactoe-ai directory under the ref-apps repository.

    2. Copy to the <WorkflowDesignerRootFolder>.

    3. Install the custom node as follows:

      1. On the command prompt, navigate to the <WorkflowDesignerRootFolder>/dashboard/.nodered directory.

      2. Run the following command:

        npm link ../../node-red-contrib-tictactoe-ai
        Make sure nodejs v8.12.0 to v14.15.1 is installed on the system. An internet connection is required to perform this step.
    4. Launch the Workflow Designer tool.

Adding AI Logic into the App

Configure the Workflow

  1. Launch the Workflow Designer toolkit. By default, the Flow Editor page is shown.

  2. Drag and drop the data-inject, tictactoe-ai, and data-publish nodes to the Flow Editor page.

  3. Connect the nodes as shown in the below screenshot:

    Tic-Tac-Toe app workflow

    A brief explanation of the above nodes:

    • data-inject: Collects the application input data (application state info) and sends the input data to the tictactoe-ai node.
    • tictactoe-ai: Collects the input data and using the built-in algorithm, processes the data. It predicts the best state for the given input and sends the resultant data to the data-publish node.
    • data-publish: Collects the output data from the tictactoe-ai node and publishes the data to the Tic-Tac-Toe app.
  4. Click the data-inject and data-publish nodes and from the Information pane, make a note of the key value of the nodes.

    • The key of the data-inject node must be used in the injectDataToWorkflow method.
    • The key of the data-publish mode must be used in the getDataFromWorkflow method.
  5. Save the workflow by clicking the Save button.

Update the App

  1. Find directory from the cloned samples repository.

  2. Open the index.html file and update:

    1. For the injectDataToWorkflow method:

      • Update the key parameter with the key of the data-inject node.

      • This method injects data (current state of the game) from the app and sends it to the tictactoe-ai node.

        var request = webOS.service.request("luna://com.webos.service.contextintentmgr/", {
            method: "injectDataToWorkflow",
            parameters: {
                key: "2ca8301e.8535_5a3cbb17.55aa04",
                data: '{"currentGameState": ' + JSON.stringify(currentGameState) + '}'
            onSuccess: function (inResponse) {
                app.data_injected = JSON.stringify(inResponse);
            onFailure: function (inError) {
                app.data_injected = JSON.stringify(inError);
            onComplete: function (inResponse) {
                app.data_injected = JSON.stringify(inResponse);
            subscribe: false,
            resubscribe: false
    2. Similarly, for the getDataFromWorkflow method:

      • Update the key parameter with the key of the data-publish node.

      • This API gets data (the move from the bot) from the tictactoe-ai node of the workflow and sends it to the app.

        var request = webOS.service.request("luna://com.webos.service.contextintentmgr/", {
            method: "getDataFromWorkflow",
            parameters: {
                key: "2ca8301e.8535_f1174563.0ecdd8"
            onSuccess: function (inResponse) {
                var resultData =,
                gameData = resultData.payload;
                app.data_published = JSON.stringify(gameData);
                app.game_state = gameData.nextBestGameState;
                app.grid = prepareGridData(gameData.nextBestGameState);
                let winner = gameData.winner;
                if (gameData.winner === '' && gameData.depth === 2) {
                    app.game_status = "It's a Tie";
                } else if (winner) {
                    app.game_status = (winner === "O" ? "BOT" : "PLAYER") + " wins";
                } else {
                    app.game_status = "In progress";
            onFailure: function (inError) {
                app.data_published = JSON.stringify(inError);
            onComplete: function (inResponse) {
                app.data_published = JSON.stringify(inResponse);
            subscribe: true,
            resubscribe: true

Package the App and Deploy on Device

  1. In the Workflow Designer Toolkit, click the Package Wizard tab located at the top right-hand side.

  2. Specify details for packaging the app.

    1. Select the app ( directory.
    2. Select the flows.json file from the path (<WorkflowDesignerRootFolder>/dashboard/.nodered/).
    3. Select the custom node (node-red-contrib-tictactoe-ai).
    4. Click Next. The app is now packaged with AI.
  3. Specify details for deploying the app on the target device.

    1. Enter the IP Address of the device.

    2. Click Next. A message “Installing application to the device” is shown.

      After the operation is complete, it provides a message that indicates that installation is successful and asks to restart the webOS OSE target device to enable the update application flow.

Testing the App

Launch the app on the display and play Tic-Tac-Toe against the BOT as player2.

  1. Player1 starts playing the game by making a move (click on a cell).
  2. State of the game is sent to AI bot (Tic-Tac-Toe AI) using data-inject node.
  3. Given an input position, the AI Bot (engine) makes the next best move and sends the state to the data-publish node.
  4. data-publish node publishes the output result to the Tic Tac Toe App.
  5. Finally, a player who makes three consecutive moves in a row or column, or diagonal is the winner.
Tic-Tac-Toe app demonstration
